Tuesday 21 October 2014

If You're Unhappy And You Know, Hanky-Panky: Adultery in Advertising

We all started off as the lonely single ones with no soul mate. Just staying home and crying to every single romance movie we saw on Netflix while hoping for someone to step in to become our companion. And then our wish came true, someone who we can love and go to finally steps in to create the most impact in our life. That's when the huge commitment began with the dating, proposal, engagement, marriage, children etc.. And then we live happily ever after...

Or is it?

When things starts to rapidly decline as couples are unable to work out their deteriorating relationship, they often face the difficult decision of breaking up or divorce . However, some decided to face the hassle of being in denial by choosing infidelity or better known as, "cheating".

Suddenly, something immorally disturbing happened in the advertising and marketing industry.
That's when we start seeing advertisements that promotes the unfaithful act in the relationship....

What is going on? Why are they advertising this and giving people the wrong message that cheating is a good things when it's not? These just increases the number of infidelity. Especially since we are now living in a hookup culture as well as a rising number of break ups and divorce, this just made it worse. There are even ones that have the indirect message like this one for example.

Seriously??? A snack advertisement??

Instead of being unfaithful to your loved ones, just simply break up with them if you feel unhappy with your relationship. Because once you started cheating, you will lose trust as well as receiving bad reputation which will lower your good chance of finding a long lasting relationship. That's why we have relationship or marriage counsellors now a days.

You know what they say, “Earthquakes just happen. Tornadoes just happen. Your tongue does not just happen to fall into some other girl's/boy's mouth!"

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