Tuesday 18 November 2014


Now that I got your attention, I will be discussing about attention spans in the world of advertising.

Back in the old days, the average attention span was 12 minutes ten years ago compared to today where it's down to 5 minutes all thanks to the addictive nature of browsing on internet.
No matter how much messages we get (3000-20000 a day), we barely acknowledged or processed all of them. The consequences of that would be that these messages will often ended up in spam or junk.

The issue here is no matter how desperate we want to capturing our target audience's attention, there are a lot of times where the advertising went over the board. Mainly in the second world countries like Vietnam, Hong Kong, China etc... where they are in a great need of good advertisements in the heat of stress with winning competitions, this is where the spams are needed to block the other competitors in order to be successful.

Ok we get it that you want us to buy your product but please, will the spam help? No matter how effective it is to annoy us, is it making the customers happy?

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