Tuesday 16 September 2014

When Advertisements Goes Too Far

Marketers tried their best to make an advertisement that has to be as powerful as possible in order to get their message across to their target audience. However, they sometime cross the line to the point of having the ad banned by the government, company e.t.c due to the created explosions of arguments or negative reactions caused by the content of the ad no matter the portrayal is. Most of these controversial ads have their own reasons to why such an intimidating ad that involves with explicit themes and sensitive subject has be made. It is understandable why ads like this has to be made in order to make it memorable enough for their audience as well as portraying their intended purpose.

Some controversial ads are clever and hilarious despite the negative reaction they give off.

Some have beautiful, emotional, and artistic way of portraying messages but still in a controversial manner.

Even though the image does not seem so explicitly shocking, the words do.

Ok that's a "little bit" too far....

People can be quite sensitive to certain subjects most commonly, themes that has something to do with sex, political and religion. That was when the ad gets banned so that the audience won't get to hurt by the context of the portraying message. However, some ad does not necessarily need to be banned from the eye of the audience due to how light and not very well explicit it is.
Young children are the major concern for the audience. All because they want to preserve the children's innocence. However, no matter who the audience is, the message needs to be conveyed anyway because the world is full of dark secrets that no one is able to accept. That's why the need for controversial ads is made necessary to reveal the true color of our world.

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